FAQs for Administrators

Administrator Training

An important part of this training is to emphasize the importance of updating faculty information with the Registrar’s scheduling department each semester. Please do not leave these changes until the week before TRACE to ensure valid and useful Evaluation results. You will update faculty information for evaluation through CLSS. You will be reminded to do this twice per term, before the TRACE upload.


All faculty have access to their own course evaluations through TRACE. Certain staff will have the ability to log in with the NU log-in information and view reports for their department(s) and school(s) depending on permissions. We will refer to people with these permissions as Administrators for their School (staff and faculty able to see departmental reports or more). Regular faculty will only see their own courses and will be uploaded with classes per term.

All users can access past TRACE Reports through the Employee Hub, by selecting Resources at the top of the page, then by choosing the Academic Resources category, and clicking the myTRACE link . New Evaluation Reports are available in a variety of ways including PDFs, Excel downloads, and batch downloads. Below is a summary of the reports tab drop-down options and how to navigate to each of them.

Status Tracking

This screen will give you an overview of the response rate for TRACE. If faculty are viewing this screen they will see their own courses’ response rate. If you, as an administrator, have permission to view your department or school you will see an overview of all the courses. Select the Term and the session of the term to get the course information you are looking for. You can view this information in the By Term or Calendar view tabs. You can also download a completed or incomplete list by clicking download at the bottom of the By Term page.

You can see more detailed information by clicking on the response rate column. This brings up all course info and completed percentage per course. If you would like an individual breakdown you can then click on the course you are looking for to get more information on the course itself.

User Permissions

Each school will now edit its own department changes for incoming and outgoing TRACE administrators. If this needs to change just contact the TRACE e-mail. Under this section, you will be able to see and update your staff’s permissions as well as download the permissions of your staff into excel. If you click on the arrow next to a category it will list all those who have that permission. To edit a specific person, click edit next to their names bringing up their user permissions page. Then you can click on the boxes to select and remove them from permissions. You can only grant permissions you yourself have; anything beyond that you will have to contact TRACE@Northeastern.edu

If you need to add an administrator to TRACE, you will go to the Configuration tab at the top of the page and select Users. First, search for the user’s NU ID number. If they do not exist in the system, you can create them by entering their information under Add New User. When completed click Create User. This will bring you to their User Permission page and you can tailor the permissions as you need.

When completing the permission section, select the reports that the individual should be able to export. Then you will be able to select the schools and departments you want that individual to have access to. Click Save once everything is set up. The user should now be able to access the system where you granted permissions.

Report Browser

This section gives you the ability to filter and itemize the data for your courses. You can filter by choosing term, school, department, and instructor or course. There is also a filter below the name options that allows you to further search by campus or other criteria.

Once the filtering is chosen, you can select the box next to the course to compare data and click on the link below the courses to create a batch file. If you select the Batch file PDF format you are able to select the type of question(s) you would like to include in the report, then download it in ZIP or PDF format. Make sure to select see all if you are trying to print a bulk batch file.

You can also choose to view individual courses data by clicking view next to the course. This will lead you to the rating summary of the course.

In the upper right-hand corner, there is a drop-down window that will allow you to see the comments report and Individual responses for the course. You can also export the reports to excel or view them as a PDF, as per the links below the drop-down window.

When in the Comment Report, you will see a box that enables the faculty member to flag a comment for review. This replaces the previous redaction form process. Once a faculty member flags a comment Mary Loeffelholz in the provost office will receive a notification to review the comment. If not appropriate she will remove the comment. If she deems it appropriate the comment will remain on the instructor’s records and the box to flag the comment will disappear. (Note: you may have to click a link to the instructor related questions to see all comments for the course.)

The individual responses page will list all the evaluations in full for the course.

Rollup Reports

The rollups reports are three reports in one but just utilize quantitative data. You can locate information across terms to get a sense of trends. You will choose the form TRACE Survey, the select options on which to base your report from the Drill Down and Filter lists. Use the Drill Down lists to select significant search criteria for your report. Use the Filter lists to further limit the search results for your report. The selections available to you are based on your access permissions and courses that have reports ready.

Since all our questions should be common on the TRACE survey report you don’t need to select anything under questions. Select the type of report you want to create, you have two options.

To create a Rollup Report, select Rollup and click create a report. To create a Comparison Report, select Comparison. Then select the attribute for comparison from the drop-down list then click create report.

The list of comparison attributes is dynamically created based on your selection in Drill Down and Filter. For example, if you select a specific Department in Drill Down, “Departments” doesn’t appear for comparison selection. Once you click Create Report the report is displayed below the button.

If you have any more questions concerning TRACE, please e-mail TRACE@northeastern.edu

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